Friday, October 23, 2009

Windows 7 Launch Parties?

I have really been trying to resist ripping on Microsoft latest attempt at lameness: the launch parties.  After reading "Windows 7 Launch Parties Fizzle - Business Center - PC World", I could resist no more.  That article was correct in all accounts, I think, except the parodies (I found only one that was total crap).

First off, the fact that Microsoft is putting up videos on how to run a party suggest that they expect everyone is socially inept.

Then, they seemed to have missed the boat when it comes to doing a real launch party.  I've seen a lot of launch parties (never been to one) that were put on by either bookstores promoting Harry Potter books or Apple promoting their latest OS.  Both had strong corporate backing.  Neither fit into my social schedule (the permanent scar on my forehead is the closest I'll get to dressing up like Harry Potter, and I really don't care for the local mall where the Apple Store is here in Cincinnati).

You would think that Microsoft could have taken those 4 people and made them look like an actual party, maybe at least a beer or two, but let's face it, they took 4 people that would not likely be partying together and made them "party" together.  Microsoft meets a Spongebob-style party.

Hopefully, Microsoft has made a better OS than the last one, but I think they successfully shot themselves in the foot already with Vista and the outpouring of people recommending to NOT upgrade a computer to 7, but rather, buy a new one.  Me?  I'll consider buying it, and it seems like it runs fine on my MacBook Pro.  However, it is not a priority.

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