Friday, October 2, 2009

Can we let the Kindle/1984 thing go already? NO!!!

Some idiot in the tech world asks the following question: Can we let the Kindle/1984 thing go already?

It amazes me from a software based magazine that such a pathetically stupid question was even asked.

The answer is NO.

If we were talking about a paperback novel, then what happened would have went as such:

  1. Amazon sells stolen book

  2. Amazon steals stolen book back from unsuspecting consumers

  3. Amazon gets busted for selling stolen property, breaking and entering (potentially), assault (possibly) and theft.

Apparently, there some difference between the paperback version and the digital download?  This is what happened:

  1. Amazon sold book that they had no right to sell

  2. Amazon illegally entered user's Kindle devices

  3. Amazon stole legally purchased digital download

The difference is only format.  What Amazon did was basically stealing (twice), and they aren't getting busted for it.  No, we can't drop it until Amazon does get busted and we have devices where WE have control enough to lock the windows and doors.

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