Sunday, February 14, 2010

Google Buzz... Good or Bad?

I've been reading a lot about Google Buzz.  I've heard more than I've tried, but it sounds like a replacement for Twitter, just integrated with GMail.

I haven't considered using it.  I just dropped MySpace (which is crap anyway), and I am active on Facebook and Twitter, and semi-active on LinkedIn and Flickr.

My concern with it is that based on some posts on Lifehacker (see this post and this post)that the security settings are difficult and not always intuitive - there was a post that likened Buzz to a megaphone.  Reading the comments, it sounds like Buzz is doing some stuff that it shouldn't (posting tweets in conversations)... the comments on the two posts are quite interesting and worth a read as much as the articles.

Me?  I'm not passing judgement, but I've turned it off.

Turning off Buzz: log into GMail, scroll to the bottom, and click on the link in dinky print that says "turn off buzz".

1 comment:

  1. Really I feel that Google Buzz's release was a little premature, especially the privacy concerns. I also think that Google's most likely going down the path that Windows went through around the era of Windows ME. The latest products and products appear to be less and less thought out and I also feel that rushed the first in the industry, and compete with a competitors release. The breach of privacy was an issue that didn't require a PHD in CS to figure out, a very basic idea session would have shown these issues. Do you think Google may have received too much credit last year?
