Saturday, January 24, 2009

Multiple row toolbar in Firefox

Multiple row toolbar in Firefox « Codelicious.After seeing this, I decided I'd write some simpler instructions for doing this in FireFox for OSX.  This is kindof a rehash of the content, but I think it was more geared towards a more computer-savvy user (it didn't include the path to the default chrome template, it doesn't indicate what to open it in, etc).

1. Go to /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Firefox/profiles/<???>.default/chrome/

(or, in OS X 10.5 Leopard, click on your "home" on the left sidebar in Finder and then Library, Application Support, Firefox, Profiles, something.default, chrome... see the screenshots below)

picture-2 -> picture-3

picture-4 ->picture-5

picture-6 -> picture-7

2. Copy userChrome-example.css and rename to userChrome.css

3.Open userChrome.css in a text editor ( works well and comes with Tiger and Leopard)


4. Get the last code snippet in the link and paste it at the bottom (note: the copy to clipboard in that does not work, or at least not for OSX.  Copy and paste manually, and get rid of the line numbers!)

The code I used:
{display:block !important;}
{display:block !important;
height: 35px !important;
overflow-y:auto !important;}
#bookmarksBarContent toolbarseparator{display:inline !important;}
.bookmark-item{visibility: visible !important;}

.chevron {height: 0px !important;}


5. If Firefox is open, Quit (Command-Q or Firefox - Quit Firefox) and restart.

Post originally published on 2009-01-24; updated 2009-01-31 to add screen shots


  1. Hey, I've been trying to do this for a couple of hours by reading other websites and then I came across yours.

    The file directory which you stated doesn't exist for me when I go to my user name.

    Any ideas? - there's no libary/application support folder

    Users//Library/Application Support/Firefox/profiles/.default/chrome/

  2. awesome hack! works great in 10.5.6 and latest Firefox 3.07. thx!!!!
