Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sour Grapes Alert: The Macalope Weekly Special Edition: Fools of the Year

I'm spending a small part of my Sunday catching up on blogs, and one of them was the "Fools of the Year" from the Macalope.

I have no issues with them ripping on Wall Street "Reporters" that THINK they know computers.  They spread more misinformation than the National Enquirer.  What I DO have issues with is them bashing those that have bashed the iPad.  I know all of them of them deserve their spot on the list for many other reasons.  But seriously, ripping on a product that has the specs to fall short of expectations before it comes out is a problem?  Heck, if Dell started promoting their next new thing - and it has a Pentium 4, every computer "reporter" would be ripping that apart!  Why, then, should the iPad be exempt?  For the price tag, you're not getting much.  However, add a few hundred GB of storage (so you could store a few DVDs, eBooks, a large iTunes library, and pictures), add an SD card slot and a CF card slot (keeping in mind that the stock version of Preview can read many digital camera raw formats in addition to JPEGs), and now you have a device worth drooling over!

The other thing, is Apple needs to get OUT of bed with AT&T.  They need to NOT be in bed with any wireless carrier.  Some of us live in places where AT&Ts coverage stinks, and problems have been well documented in New York City (I've also seen other reported problems in Tampa and have heard hit-and-miss reports in Cincinnati).

So, Macalope, please stop bashing people for bashing unreleased products based on specs.  I'm sure you've done it too, and I know you'd do it in a heartbeat to something Windows-related, since you appear to be more fanboy than semi-unbiased reporter.

The Macalope Weekly Special Edition: Fools of the Year | Computers | MacUser | Macworld.

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