Thursday, March 25, 2010

Facebook Blamed For Rise In Syphilis

I once again have to side with TechCrunch on this one.  Facebook does not cause a rise in Syphilis.  The correlation of the two is likely a result of a two factors - how connected we are and how common sex is.

Remember when telephones had cords and were attached to walls?  Remember when the Internet was only for geeks and the DoD?  Now, everyone has a cell phone.  Many of those (just about everyone who is young) has a smartphone or messaging phone.  Facebook has become a catalyst to message people and to connect with family, friends, coworkers, etc.  We are so much more connected than 10 years ago.

The sex thing... well, just watch a few movies from now (I'm thinking along the lines of American Pie) and compare to Short Circuit or My Science Project...

The link: Facebook Blamed For Rise In Syphilis.

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